About the JJCAAS

The 12th edition of the JJCAAS will take place this year in Le Mans.

To celebrate this, we propose that you meet, as young researchers, in the European Institute of Technology for Music Professions (ITEMM) on 26, 27 and 28 June 2019.


What are the JJCAAS ?

The Young Researchers in Audition, Musical Acoustics and Audio Signal Days (JJCAAS in French) are three-day meetings organized by and for masters, doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows. This event is an opportunity for young researchers to exchange ideas on various themes related to sound and thus to forge new scientific and friendly links.

This 12th edition will take place in the Itemm facilities in the city of Le Mans on June 26, 27 and 28, 2019. This congress is the result of a joint initiative led by the GPS (Sound Perception Group), GSAM (Specialized Group of Musical Acoustics), GIS (Instrumentation and Signal Group) and GTEA (Transducers and Electro-Acoustics Group) of the French Society of Acoustics (SFA) and by the Acoustics Laboratory of Le Mans University (LAUM).

Participation in this event is completely free of charge - paid for by the organisation. These fees include registration fees, accommodation, food and tramway in Le Mans. Since its creation, each edition of the JJCAAS has brought together dozens of master's, doctoral and post-doctoral students as well as academic and industrial actors linked to the proposed scientific fields. The next edition hopes to respect this attendance.

This event is open to any young researcher working in France. The presentation of each speaker's work is divided into two parts. A 3-minute "Flash" presentation and a poster session.

In addition to the presentations, participants will attend:

  • Plenary sessions, where an experienced researcher will present his or her work;
  • A visit of the laboratories;

  • A PhD Market, which mainly concerns masters, doctoral students in 3rd year and post-doctoral students. They will be able to meet academic and/or industrial recruiters

  • A gala dinner;
  • A cultural outing;

  • A prize giving ceremony for the best "Flash" presentation and the best poster.

The JJCAAS 2019 organizing team


Important milestones

- April 15, 2019: Opening of abstract submission


- May 15, 2019 : Deadline for abstracts

- May 31, 2019 : Deadline for abstracts


- May 30, 2019 : Deadline for registration

- Juin 15, 2019 : Deadline for registration

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